In June of last year, the Debated Topics Forum published a paper by researcher Mehmet Inan that argued the Pentagon was struck by a Boeing 737-400 rather than the larger 757-200 model, which American Airlines Flight 77 was.
Today, the Debated Topics Forum published two separate responses to Inan’s paper — one by researcher Wayne Coste and one by researcher David Chandler. Both Coste and Chandler challenge Inan’s thesis and argue that the evidence is more consistent with a Boeing 757.
Coste’s response focuses on damage to objects nearer to the Pentagon (primarily a trailer and a retaining wall) as well as the Pentagon itself, while Chandler’s response focuses on damage to objects further away from the Pentagon (a tree, a traffic camera pole, and light poles).
Per the forum’s guidelines, Inan will now have the opportunity to respond to Coste and Chandler within three months.
The forum also welcomes submissions from other authors on the same subject, though they will not be a part of the ongoing thread between Inan, Coste, and Chandler.
The Debated Topics Forum is intended to be a venue for constructive, evidence-based discussions about long-debated questions in the 9/11 research community. We therefore welcome submissions on topics that are considered contentious or that have widely divergent viewpoints. Our goal is for the forum to serve as a platform for genuine scholarly debate that leads to major advances in our understanding of the 9/11 crimes.
We are grateful to the authors for their participation and to readers everywhere for their interest.