‘Aviation Impossibilities’ Symposium
On Sunday, September 8th, IC911 held an online symposium in commemoration of the 23rd anniversary where we explored new research into what took place in the skies that day. The archived video is available at UKColumn.org.
Peace, War and 9/11
Don’t miss IC911’s critically acclaimed film featuring the late Dr. Graeme MacQueen.
Why question the official account of 9/11?
The Ongoing Impact of 9/11
The official narrative of who perpetrated 9/11 has fueled the endless War on Terror and several related wars. These have cost trillions of dollars and killed and displaced millions of people. It also led to state-sanctioned torture, the curtailment of civil liberties, and far-reaching digital surveillance. By finding the truth, we can build a more peaceful, just and democratic world.
Building 7
The 47-story WTC 7 fell suddenly, symmetrically, and in free fall into its own footprint at 5:20 PM on September 11, 2001. A building cannot come down in free fall without the lower structure being removed by explosives.
The Twin Towers
The Twin Towers were destroyed by waves of explosions that pulverized nearly all of the concrete, ejected multi-ton steel members up to 600 feet in all directions, and fragmented human bodies so extremely that more than 40% of the victims have not been identified.
The Piloting of the Airplanes
The alleged hijackers were novice pilots at best. It is implausible that they would have been able to execute the complex maneuvers reportedly performed on 9/11 — a feat many experienced pilots have said they could not duplicate. A more plausible explanation, which is the subject of ongoing research, is that the planes were flown under computer control.
Collections of Best Evidence
Journal of 9/11 Studies
The Center’s flagship publication is home to a body of seminal 9/11 research dating back to 2006.
2011 Toronto Hearings
Landmark hearings held on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 produced a 400-page report of best evidence to date.
9/11 Consensus Panel
From 2011 to 2017, a panel of 23 experts published 51 “Consensus Points” of best 9/11 evidence.
Latest News
Who We Are
We are 9/11 family members, activists, and scholars. Our mission is to foster a global realization and reckoning about the events of 9/11 and create a world defined by peace, justice, freedom, and true democratic governance.
Family Members
Support the Pursuit of 9/11 Justice
The Center was launched in 2023 and needs your help to keep growing. Please give today and your gift will support research, education, and action aimed at catalyzing a global 9/11 awakening.
Piers Robinson and Kevin Ryan: ‘A Plausibility Probe of 9/11 and COVID-19 as “Structural Deep Events”’
Ted Walter | September 5, 2024
Robinson and Ryan develop a new framework for examining major crisis events and use it to evaluate whether 9/11 and COVID-19 were structural deep events involving manipulation and nefarious intent.
Jimmy Dore interviews Captain Dan Hanley about alleged 9/11 hijackers
Ted Walter | August 28, 2024
Don’t miss Hanley and other leading 9/11 researchers at next week’s ‘Aviation Impossibilities’ symposium!
SAVE THE DATE: ‘Aviation Impossibilities’ symposium, September 8th, 1–5 PM Eastern
International Center for 9/11 Justice | August 23, 2024
We are delighted to announce an online symposium where we will commemorate the 23rd anniversary of 9/11 and share some of our research into what took place in the skies that day.
‘Researching 9/11 and Beyond’: New review paper by Dr. Piers Robinson sets direction of future IC911 research
Kevin Ryan and Ted Walter | August 15, 2024
Dr. Robinson conducts an extensive review of key findings established by the 9/11 research community and sets forth IC911’s widened scope of research.
Ted Walter breaks down stunning viral 9/11 footage on Redacted
International Center for 9/11 Justice | August 4, 2024
Last week stunning footage of the Twin Towers’ destruction resurfaced after 23 years and went viral on social media. Ted Walter went on Redacted to break down what the explosive footage reveals.