1. The Hijackings
It is exceedingly improbable that all eight pilots on the four airliners would have failed to enter the universal hijack code into their transponders and that all eight pilots would have either given up control of the aircraft or been incapacitated without first performing a violent flight control maneuver to thwart an invasion of the cockpit.
Recommended Sources for Further Study
- Flights Point 1: A Claim Regarding Hijacked Passenger Jets (9/11 Consensus Panel)
- Response to Request for Revision of Point on Alleged 9/11 Hijackings (Debated Topics Forum)
- Speech by Lieutenant Colonel David Gapp, a 31-year U.S. Air Force veteran and former president of the Aircraft Accident Board

2. The Phone Calls
It is impossible that more than a dozen cell phone calls allegedly made by passengers and flight attendants on the four airliners actually took place as reported by the media in the first few years after 9/11. In nearly all cases, the airliners were too high for cell phone calls to go through.
Apparently recognizing this problem, the FBI unveiled a new story during the 2006 trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, claiming that all of the calls — except for two allegedly made at a lower altitude of 5,000 feet — were made from seat-back phones.
However, in the case of two passengers whom the FBI now alleged made calls from seat-back phones, there is good evidence that the calls were made from the passengers’ cell phones. In the case of UA 175 passenger Brian Sweeney, he left a message on the answering machine at his home, and his wife reported — apparently based on the information from the answering machine — that he had called from his cell phone. In the case of UA 93 passenger Tom Burnett, his wife was interviewed by the FBI just hours after receiving multiple calls from him, which she reported were made from his cell phone. As stated in the FBI report of that interview, “[Deena] Burnett was able to determine that her husband was using his own cellular telephone because the caller identification showed his number, 925-980-3360.” UA 93 was allegedly at 35,000 feet and 40,700 feet, respectively, at the time of two of Burnett’s calls — altitudes that would have made the calls impossible.
Furthermore, regarding the two lone calls claimed by the FBI to have been made from cell phones at 5,000 feet — allegedly placed by UA 93 flight attendant CeeCee Lyles and UA 93 passenger Edward Felt — it is unlikely that even those two calls could have been completed at that altitude.
Ultimately, while perhaps difficult to fathom, the evidence points to the phone calls somehow having been faked.
Recommended Sources for Further Study
- Phone Calls Point 3: Cell Phone Calls from the Planes: The First Official Account (9/11 Consensus Panel)
- Phone Calls Point 4: Cell Phone Calls from the Planes: The Second Official Account (9/11 Consensus Panel)
3. The Piloting of the Airplanes
It is virtually impossible that the alleged hijackers, known to be marginally trained and barely competent pilots, could have successfully navigated to specific points using the airplanes’ navigation systems and then maneuvered the airplanes at high speeds into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.
According to Lieutenant Colonel David Gapp, a 31-year U.S. Air Force veteran and former president of the Aircraft Accident Board, a professional pilot in a simulator has a 1-in-3 chance of striking the Twin Towers. Lt. Col. Gapp and many other pilots have also stated that Hani Hanjour, the alleged hijacker pilot of AA 77, would have had no chance of executing the reported flight path into the Pentagon.
Ultimately, the evidence points to the airplanes having been piloted by individuals other than the alleged hijackers or under computer control — technology that existed before 9/11.
Recommended Sources for Further Study
- Pentagon Point 3: The Claim Regarding Hani Hanjour as Flight 77 Pilot (9/11 Consensus Panel)
- Plausibility of 9/11 Aircraft Attacks Generated by GPS-Guided Aircraft Autopilot Systems (Journal of 9/11 Studies)
- Speech by Lieutenant Colonel David Gapp, a 31-year U.S. Air Force veteran and former president of the Aircraft Accident Board

4. Pre-Plane Impact and Ground Level Explosions
It is impossible that the one or more explosions that multiple witnesses reported near the base of the North Tower before the first airplane struck the building were caused by anything other than pre-planted explosives.
It is also impossible that the officially acknowledged explosion that occurred in the lobby of the North Tower, causing significant damage to the marble walls, elevator doors, and thick exterior glass, was due to burning jet fuel traveling 90 stories down the elevator shafts.
Recommended Sources for Further Study
- Jet Fuel Did Not Cause Explosions in the WTC Lobby (Dig Within, Kevin Ryan)
- 9/11 Father Seeks Justice (Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth)

- CNN interview with WTC janitor William Rodriguez on 9/11

- Speech by WTC janitor William Rodriguez

- Speech by WTC worker Anthony Saltalamacchia

5. The Twin Towers’ Downward Motion
It is impossible for the top sections of the Twin Towers to have continuously accelerated through the intact structure below them without the use of explosives.
Recommended Sources for Further Study
- The Missing Jolt: A Simple Refutation Of The NIST-Bažant Collapse Hypothesis (Journal of 9/11 Studies)
- Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower and Fundamental Physics (Journal of 9/11 Studies)
- ASCE Journals Refuse To Correct Fraudulent Paper They Published On WTC Collapses (Journal of 9/11 Studies)
- Downward Acceleration of the North Tower (David Chandler)

6. The Twin Towers’ Outward Motion
It is impossible that the high-velocity bursts of heavy debris seen emanating from all sides of the Twin Towers were caused merely by air pressure from compression due to falling floors.
It is also impossible for more than 200 stories of concrete flooring to have been so thoroughly pulverized and for multi-ton steel members to have been ejected up to 600 feet in all directions without the use of explosives.
Recommended Sources for Further Study
- High Velocity Bursts Of Debris From Point-Like Sources In The WTC Towers (Journal of 9/11 Studies)
- Direct Evidence for Explosions: Flying Projectiles and Widespread Impact Damage (Journal of 9/11 Studies)
- North Tower Exploding (David Chandler)

- 9/11 Experiments: The Force Behind the Motion (Jonathan Cole)

7. Extreme Temperatures and Incendiaries
It is impossible for the molten metal and once-molten metallic particles found in the debris and dust of the World Trade Center to have been produced without the use of incendiaries.
Furthermore, it is implausible that the unreacted nano-thermite (a high-tech incendiary) found in the World Trade Center dust was present for any reason other than that it was used in the destruction of the towers.
Recommended Sources for Further Study
- Extremely high temperatures during the World Trade Center destruction (Journal of 9/11 Studies)
- Environmental anomalies at the World Trade Center: evidence for energetic materials (The Environmentalist)
- Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe (The Open Chemical Physics Journal)
- 9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate (Jonathan Cole)

8. Building 7 Foreknowledge
It is impossible that the certain, precise, and accurate foreknowledge of Building 7’s destruction by officials at the scene came from an evidence-based determination that the building was at risk of collapse. There was no way that anyone could have predicted with certainty the unprecedented and extremely improbable series of fire-induced structural failures that allegedly led to the collapse of Building 7. Foreknowledge of Building 7’s destruction must have originated with insiders who knew the building was going to be demolished, which must have been prepared prior to 9/11.
Recommended Sources for Further Study
- Waiting for Seven: WTC 7 Collapse Warnings in the FDNY Oral Histories (Journal of 9/11 Studies)
- Foreknowledge of Building 7’s Collapse (Graeme MacQueen)

9. Building 7’s Alleged Initiating Failure
For several reasons, it is impossible for the local structural failure that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) alleges initiated the total destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 to have actually occurred.
First, for at least 90 minutes prior to the collapse there were no fires in the area where the failure allegedly occurred.
Second, the girder that NIST alleges was pushed off of its bearing seat would have become trapped inside the side plate of the adjoining column if heated and pushed westward.
Third, the beam framing into the girder could not have expanded enough to push the girder off of its seat.
Fourth, the web stiffener on the girder would have prevented it from walking off of its seat. NIST admits to having omitted the web stiffener from its modeling.
Recommended Sources for Further Study
- A Discussion of ‘Analysis of Structural Response of WTC 7 to Fire and Sequential Failures Leading to Collapse’ (Journal of 9/11 Studies)
- Request for Correction Under the Data Quality Act to NIST’s Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 — Sections A through D (Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth)
- 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out, WTC 7 Part 4: Fully Engulfed in Fire? (Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth)

10. Building 7’s Free Fall
It is impossible for Building 7 to have fallen suddenly, symmetrically, and in free fall for 2.5 seconds due to any natural sequence of structural failures.
Recommended Sources for Further Study
- The Instantaneous Free Fall of World Trade Center Building 7 and NIST’s Attempt to Hide It (Journal of 9/11 Studies)
- Request for Correction Under the Data Quality Act to NIST’s Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 — Section E (Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth)
- WTC 7: NIST Finally Admits Free Fall — Part I (David Chandler)

- WTC 7: NIST Finally Admits Free Fall — Part II (David Chandler)

- WTC 7: NIST Finally Admits Free Fall — Part III (David Chandler)

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