In the latest discussion thread to be added to the Center’s Debated Topics Forum, researcher David Chandler has written a new paper on the Pentagon attack entitled “Pentagon Approach Path of a Boeing 757 on 9/11/2001.”
In this paper, Chandler argues that the damage to a number of obstacles near the highway in front of the Pentagon is consistent with the flight path of a Boeing 757. He also examines video imagery from two parking lot security cameras and addresses the question of what amount of g-force would be imposed on a plane as it leveled off from the reported descent to strike the building at ground level.
Responses welcome through June 27, 2025
We invite the 9/11 research community to read Chandler’s paper. If you disagree with the arguments being made, we welcome you to submit a response in accordance with the Forum’s Publication Guidelines.
Responses must be submitted within four months — i.e., by June 27, 2025. They will not be subject to peer review; they need only meet the minimal standards set forth in the aforementioned guidelines.
The Debated Topics Forum is intended to be a venue for constructive, evidence-based discussions about long-debated questions in the 9/11 research community. We therefore gladly accept submissions on topics considered contentious or having widely divergent viewpoints. Our goal is for the forum to serve as a platform for genuine scholarly debate that leads to major advances in our understanding of the 9/11 crimes.
As always, we thank all of our readers for their interest and all of the authors for their participation in the Debated Topics Forum.