News has broken across the grassroots of the 9/11 truth movement in recent days that former congressman and volunteer firefighter Curt Weldon is gearing up to push the incoming Trump administration to form a presidential task force to reinvestigate 9/11 — with a primary focus on the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 and the Twin Towers.
Weldon, a congressman from 1987 to 2007, first became deeply involved in issues related to 9/11 when he stepped foot at Ground Zero as a former member of the fire service. He later called for an investigation into the government’s mishandling of the Able Danger intelligence gathering program and its subsequent retaliation against Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer for disclosing information about Able Danger.
Now, two decades later, Weldon has gone all-in on the pursuit of 9/11 truth and justice. After reading the recent 8,000-word article on Building 7 by Raul Angulo in the International Fire Safety Journal, he immediately contacted Angulo for more information and to ask for his help in lobbying the Trump administration to reinvestigate 9/11.
Angulo, a former Seattle fire captain and author of the National Fire Protection Association’s Engine Company Fireground Operations, has been attending the annual NPFA conference with the Protecting All Protectors Alliance since 2022. Following a highly attended presentation by Angulo at this year’s conference, the editor of the International Fire Safety Journal invited Angulo to write an article on Building 7.
The article was published just two months ago. In the short space of time since then, Weldon’s plan to approach the Trump administration has quickly been taking shape.
Yesterday on 9/11 WarRoom, Angulo laid out the package of information he is assembling for Weldon, which includes, as the tip of the spear, David Chandler’s and Professor Emeritus Leroy Hulsey’s work on Building 7. Angulo also shared details of his and Weldon’s outreach to key figures in the national fire safety community who have committed to supporting their effort.
Upon watching Weldon’s impassioned interview on 9/11 Free Fall and learning the inside story from Raul Angulo on 9/11 WarRoom, we realized that Weldon is determined to see justice and is unafraid of any consequences.
We also learned that he’s not mincing words. Having been burned by the “deep state” before, Weldon recognizes that 9/11 was a “deep state” operation. At the same time, his profound patriotism and his decades of experience in the fire service and in Congress make him the perfect person to lead this charge. Indeed, he considers the notion that nameless, faceless insiders could get away with hurting people on the scale of 9/11 to be deeply un-American.
We strongly encourage everyone to watch Weldon’s interview on 9/11 Free Fall as well as yesterday’s edition of 9/11 WarRoom for the inside scoop on Weldon and Angulo’s unfolding effort.
Weldon’s evolution to full-throated support for a full-scale 9/11 investigation is yet another sign that a tipping point is coming — and may well be what pushes 9/11 truth and justice over the edge.
Thank you, Congressman Weldon. Thank you, Raul Angulo. Thank you, Protecting All Protectors Alliance. And thank you to the tens of thousands of people who have done their part over the years.
9/11 justice is coming.
Curt Weldon on 9/11 Free Fall