The Hearings
The International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001, ran from September 8 to September 11, 2011. The Hearings brought together many of the world’s leading 9/11 researchers for four days of presentations on the best evidence that contradicts the official account of 9/11.
The four-day schedule and a video of every presentation made at the Hearings are available on this page. We also offer the feature documentary 9/11: Decade of Deception, which distills the event into a 90-minute film.
Hearings Schedule
Day One: Thursday, September 8, 2011
- Matthew Witt and Michael Keefer: Opening Remarks by Moderators
- James Gourley: Introduction to the Hearings and the Panel
- Lorie Van Auken (Video): Personal Statement on the Investigation of the Events of 9/11
- Lance deHaven-Smith: 9/11 and State Crimes against Democracy
- David Ray Griffin: Inadequacies of the 9/11 Commission’s Report
- Kevin Ryan: Inadequacies of the Reports by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Audience Question and Answer
Day Two: Friday, September 9, 2011
- Moderators: Overview of the Day’s Testimony
- Jay Kolar: The Alleged 9/11 Hijackers
- Paul Zarembka: Evidence of Insider Trading Before 9/11
- Barbara Honegger: Eyewitnesses and Evidence of Explosions at the Pentagon
- Richard Gage: Evidence of the Demolition of the World Trade Center: An Overview
- Michel Chossudovsky: Global Consequences of 9/11
- Cynthia McKinney: Attempts to Raise Questions about 9/11
- Audience Question and Answer
Day Three: Saturday, September 10, 2011
- Moderators: Overview of the Day’s Testimony
- Graeme MacQueen: Eyewitness Evidence of Explosions at WTC
- David Chandler: WTC 7: A Refutation of the Official Account
- Jonathan Cole: The Official Account and the Experimental Method
- Kevin Ryan: Extreme Temperatures
- Niels Harrit: Incendiary/Explosive Residue in the WTC Dust
- Audience Question and Answer
Day Four: Sunday, September 11, 2011
- Moderators: Opening Remarks and Moment of Silence
- David Ray Griffin: Anomalies of Flights 77 and 93
- Peter Dale Scott: 9/11 and Deep State Politics
- Laurie Manwell: SCADs and Psychological Resistance to Alternative Accounts
- Senator Mike Gravel: State Deception in the Past and Today
- Audience Question and Answer
- Panelists: Closing Remarks
- Bob McIlvaine (Video): Personal Statement on the Investigation of the Events of 9/11
- Matthew Witt: Closing Remarks by Moderator