9/11 Consensus Panelists
The 9/11 Consensus Panel was comprised of 23 independent experts representing a variety of fields relevant to the events of September 11, 2001. The Panel also had several distinguished honorary members and was managed by the three administrators, including the Panel’s founders, David Ray Griffin and Elizabeth Woodworth.

Panel Members

David S. Chandler
BS in IPS (physics / engineering), Harvey Mudd College; MS in mathematics, California Polytechnic University; high school and junior college physics and math educator; formerly on editorial board of The Physics Teacher (AAPT journal); in 2008, played a central role in forcing NIST to concede that WTC 7 experienced a significant period of free fall.
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Guilietto Chiesa
(1940 – 2020) Obituary
Italian journalist serving 19 years as Moscow correspondent; former member of the European Parliament; Fellow of the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies; produced the 2008 documentary film Zero: An Investigation Into 9/11.
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Dr. Robert Bowman
(1934 – 2013) Obituary
Former head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering at the US Air Force Institute of Technology, and the Director of Advanced Space Programs Development (“Star Wars”) under Presidents Ford and Carter.
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Tod Fletcher, M.A., C.Phil
(1952 – 2014) Obituary
Geography, U.C. Berkeley; former geography and environmental science instructor at Berkeley, San Francisco State and Laney College; in 2010 and 2011 was host of the weekly internet radio show “9/11 In Context.”
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Dr. Daniele Ganser
Swiss historian, heads the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) in Basel and studies the global struggle for oil, covert warfare, resource wars and economic policy. He tought conflict analysis regarding the global fight over petroleum at the Univ. of Basel and he teaches the history and future of energy systems at the Univ. of St. Gallen (HSG). He was awarded the 2015 Deutscher IQ-Preis of the German mensa-society for “Intelligente Vermittlung von Wissen [intelligent imparting of knowledge].” See also www.danieleganser.ch.
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Dr. Graeme MacQueen(1948 – 2023) Obituary
Associate Professor (retired) in the Department of Religious Studies at McMaster University in Canada and former Director of McMaster’s Centre for Peace Studies. His 9/11 research includes four peer-reviewed articles. He served on the Steering Committee of the International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001 held in Toronto in September 2011.
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Massimo Mazzucco
Award-winning filmmaker, screenwriter, and journalist. Editor of luogocomune.net, dedicated to 9/11 research. His 2006 9/11 documentary “Inganno Globale” was broadcast on Italian TV (Berlusconi’s Canale 5), sparking a national debate. His documentary “The New American Century” (also available at YouTube) appeared in film festivals worldwide. Mazzucco completed a third documentary on 9/11, “September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor” (also available at YouTube) in 2013, his most comprehensive, which rebuts 50 counter-claims against the 9/11 Movement.
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Dennis P. McMahon
JD from Western New England Law School, LLM from NYU. A member of the New York and Massachusetts bars, he in 2009 served as attorney for 9/11 family members in Burke v McSweeney, as part of the NYCCAN petition effort to have NYC voters decide whether New York City should have its own 9/11 investigation. He was instrumental in introducing the “Building What?” campaign, later rebranded as “Remember Building 7.”
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Aidan Monaghan
Bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering. Pursues Freedom of Information (FOI) records regarding the 9/11 attacks. Government 9/11 records obtained by Monaghan have been reported by the Beacon News Online of the Sun-Times News Group, KLAV AM in Las Vegas, NV, the documentary “Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup” and several books. His 9/11 research includes two peer reviewed studies regarding technical aspects of 9/11 flights and “Declassifying 9/11”, a compilation of his FOI investigations.
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Rowland Morgan
(1945 – 2021) Obituary
With a Cambridge Honors Degree and a teaching certificate, is an independent journalist and the co-author of 9/11 Revealed. In the 1990’s he was a weekly columnist in London, for the Independent on Sunday and the Guardian. He also co-authored, with Ian Henshall, Flight 93 Revealed (Carol and Graf, 2006).
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Frances Shure
Retired business owner, a Licensed Professional Counselor specializing in depth psychology, and an adjunct instructor at Naropa University. She has long been a peace and environmental activist, is co-founder of Colorado 9/11 Truth, and is listed with Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth.
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Lou Stolzenberg
Retired Physical Therapist (BS, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1974). Her 26-year career, using evidence-based patient care, combined with her faith and her concern for social justice, drew her to 9/11 Truth activism in 2006. She is Coordinator for Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth.
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William Veale
Attorney; graduated from University of Maryland Law School. Instructor of Criminal Trial Practice for 11 years at Boalt Hall School of Law, Berkeley; former Chief Assistant Public Defender, Contra Costa County, CA, where he had a 31-year career. Has worked for several years, through court appearances and his Vealetruth blog, to expose the facts about 9/11. He is serving pro bono as the legal spokesperson for the 9/11 Consensus Panel, as well as serving as a voting Panelist.
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Dr. Matthew Witt
Associate Professor of Public Administration at the University of La Verne, CA. He has published work, since 2008, with Lance deHaven-Smith and other scholars, showing that shadow governing entities and state crimes against democracy undermine U.S. governing legitimacy and the US founding doctrine. This work appears in Administration & Society, American Behavioral Scientist, and Public Integrity.
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Dr. Jonathan B. Weisbuch (M.D., M.P.H.)
Formerly Chief Health Officer, Maricopa County, AZ; Medical Director, LA County Dept. of Health Services; Director, Department of Health and Social Services, Wyoming; President of the American Association of Public Health Physicians (AAPHP); editorial consultant, American Journal of Public Health. Author of over 40 academic articles.
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Honory Members

James W. Douglass
James W. Douglass, a Christian theologian and peace activist, is the author of many books, including “JFK and the Unspeakable” and “Gandhi and the Unspeakable.” He has engaged in civil disobedience to the Vietnam War, nuclear weapons, and the Iraq War. He and his wife helley are co-founders of Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action in Poulsbo, Washington, and Mary’s House, a Catholic Worker house of hospitality in Birmingham, Alabama.
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Ferdinando Imposimato
(1936 – 2018) Obituary
Ferdinando Imposimato was the Honorary President of the Italian Supreme Court and a former Italian senior investigative judge. He presided over several terrorism-related cases, including the kidnapping and assassination of President Aldo Moro and the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II. He was also a legal consultant to the United Nations. He has stated publicly that 9/11 was a false flag operation, recommending that it be tried at the International Criminal Court, which was set up to protect the world from criminal acts of war. He has also written the books, “La Grande Menzogna [The Big Lie],” “Terrorismo internazionale [International Terrorism],” and “I 55 giorni che hanno cambiato l’Italia [The 55 Days That Changed Italy],” about the Aldo Moro case.
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Mathieu Kassovitz
Mathieu Kassovitz is a French director, screenwriter, producer, and actor. His work is well known both in and outside France. He has won several awards for his films, including Best Director award at the Cannes Film Festival for La Haine, for which he was hailed as the heir to Truffaut. He was nominated as Best Director for The Crimson Rivers, which also won the Gold Star for Best Director. He has won three César Awards for his craftsmanship in film. His latest film is Rebellion. Kassovitz has raised questions on French television about 9/11 as a US conspiracy.
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Dr. Lynn Margulis
(1936 – 2011) Obituary
Dr. Margulis was Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Geosciences at the University ofMassachusetts, Amherst. She was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1983, and received from William J. Clinton the Presidential Medal of Science in 1999. The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.,announced in 1998 that it will permanently archive her papers.
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Rt. Hon. Michael Meacher
(1939 – 2015) Obituary
MP, British Parliament. Meacher, Labour MP for Oldham West and Royton since 1970, was Minister of State for the Environment from May 1997 to June 2003. Regarding 9/11: “I do not subscribe to any theory about what actually did happen since in my view there are still far too many uncertainties – all I do know is that the official account has so many flaws and inconsistencies in it that it is simply not credible as it stands.”
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William F. Pepper
A barrister, called in 1991 to the Bar of England and Wales, and an Attorney at Law in the United States, specializing in international human rights. He represented Dr. Martin Luther King’s family in a civil action which revealed the truth about the assassination, including the innocence of King’s alleged assassin, James Earl Ray, whom he also represented. He is a past Convener of the Seminar in International Human Rights at the University of Oxford, England. Though not an investigator of the 9/11 tragedy, he has long been an advocate for a comprehensive, independent investigation of that event which he believes would be the best memorial to those who lost their lives, and the fulfillment of an outstanding obligation to their families whose questions remain unanswered.
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Andreas von Bülow
German writer, lawyer, and politician. He served for 25 years in the German parliament, was state-secretary in the German Federal Ministry of Defense (1976-1980) and Minister of Research and Technology (1980-1982) under the Chancellor Helmut Schmidt administration. He worked on the intelligence services parliamentary committee, which led to his investigation of criminal activities in Western intelligence services, and to two books, “Im Namen des Staates [In the Name of the State],” and “Die CIA und der 11. September [The CIA and September 11].”
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Administration of the 9/11 Consensus Panel

Dr. David Ray Griffin(1939 – 2022) Obituary
Emeritus professor of philosophy of religion and theology at Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University; has published 37 books, mostly in the philosophy of science and religion, but ten are about 9/11. The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé, was named “Pick of the Week” by Publishers Weekly in November 2008; he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his 9/11 work in both 2008 and 2009, and he was named one of “The 50 People Who Matter Today” by the New Statesman in 2009. He was co-founder of the 9/11 Consensus Panel.
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Elizabeth Woodworth
Retired health sciences librarian and author of “’What Can I Do?’ Citizen Strategies for Nuclear Disarmament,” which was carried by UN bookstores, has been researching 9/11 evidence, editing books, and writing articles on the topic since 2006. She is co-founder and Coordinator of the 9/11 Consensus Panel.
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